Battle Strategy

by Ricardo

We are in a Spiritual Battle, and sadly, many in today’s society consider the Bible hard to read and understand.

Psalm 119:105 says that the Word of God is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path. We need light in our pilgrimage through this chaotic world.

My book, “Battle Strategy, God’s Plan Amid Chaos,” is a quick study of the Holy Bible. It emphasizes essential topics, such as the origin of evil, man’s fall, and the rescue from the fall by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Most people rarely read the Bible, considering it hard to understand. This creates a vacuum inside the soul that the enemy loves to fill with lies, doubts, fear, and chaos and engulfs us in a spiritual battle.

My book intends to give the reader a thirst for the Word of God. Prayerfully, the reader will read the Bible more often and maybe come to saving faith. However, this book does not intend to replace the Bible; it points the reader to it. This book is short and a quick read—only around 140 pages. 

What is important to us? 
What do we treasure more in life? 

Jesus said that where our treasure is, there will our hearts also be. Matthew 6:21

After reading this book, you will understand that the Bible is a love story about the Lord Jesus Christ and how He came down to rescue us from our enemies. The Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword. This is one of the weapons God equips us with to fight and win our spiritual battles.

Once we learn about His love, we will make Him our Treasure!

Why I wrote this book?

Since my younger days, I always wondered why God, being omniscient (All-Knowing), would allow the devil to cause our fall and create so much chaos and suffering. He has given me the answer through His Word, and I chose to write about it.

I wrote this book to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not to make money. I offer it free in digital format below for subscribers or anyone requesting a free copy. Writing a book takes money and resources, so paying a small fee offsets the cost. If this free book blesses you, consider purchasing a copy on Amazon or Apple Books and leaving a good review.

50% of proceeds from this book are used for Kingdom work, mainly to help children.

Book’s Summary:

We are in spiritual warfare for our souls and that of our nation. Society today is bathing in chaos. Everyone marches by their version of the truth as if it is relative, ever-changing by society. We fight these battles in our minds, and the enemy seeks to mold us into his chaotic ways.

This book exposes spiritual forces that constantly manipulate and confuse us, deceiving us into denying the only truth and supporting an evil system. We engage in these battles daily; this book will open our eyes to see the enemy as revealed in the Holy Bible, how he came to be, and how he attacks us.

We must have a Battle Strategy to survive the battlefields with the equipment provided. My book introduces you to Jesus Christ, who has defeated our enemy on our behalf, and we can now claim and enforce His victory over the evil one in His name.

If you purchased my old version, “Battlefields,” please contact me, and I will send you a free copy of this updated version. The copy I will send you will be an EPUB version, readable on Apple iPads, Macs, PCs, Kobo, and Nook e-readers.

Purchase Options

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Digital EPUB format for iPad, Kobo, Kindle, Nook, PC, Mac, and iPhone

***Digital EPUB format for iPad, Kobo, Kindle, Nook, PC, Mac, and iPhone
You will need a password to download the free version. Please contact me and request a password through the contact form. If you download my free book, please subscribe to my blog on the right side of the web page as a thank-you gesture; this will help spread the Gospel of Christ.

To God, be the glory!

Everything was created by our Lord Jesus, By Him, For Him!

“The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-25

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I write this blog as I get inspired by God. Consider this writing as a Bible study. Like the Bereans In Acts 17:11, search the Scriptures to determine whether what I write is so. Always consult with your church ministers about biblical matters. I am also not a professional writer, so some grammar or spelling errors may be. I try my best to write as efficiently as possible. Your brother, In-Christ, Ricardo

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My Book: Battle Strategy

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